Responsibilities of Student Organization Advisors:
The advisor may work with the student organization, but not direct its activities. The role is not regulatory or disciplinary; the advisor is responsible to DePaul and the student organization to keep their best interests in mind. At times, the advisor may need to remind the student organization of university policies and guidelines to avoid violations. The advisor may also work with the organization’s officers to establish and maintain internal student organization standards and regulations for conduct. It is recommended that these standards and regulations be incorporated into the organization’s constitution. Student organization advisors serve in a voluntary role. More information about the requirements for employees who choose to volunteer their time at the University can be found in the university’s Time Reporting policy.
- The advisor should uphold the best interests of DePaul’s Mission and Values and the student organization’s mission and goals as stated in their constitution.
- Advisors serve as a liaison to the Office of Student Involvement in this volunteer role and therefore must promote and support the development of the members in a student organization according to the Code of Student Responsibility.
- The advisor must complete an advisor confirmation request on DeHUB. This request confirms that the advisor is a staff member or full-time faculty member at DePaul, has reviewed the group’s constitution, and agrees to serve in the advisor role for the organization.
- The advisor may provide continuity within the student organization and should be familiar with the student organization’s history and constitution.
- The advisor will keep abreast of all financial procedures and contractual agreements by communicating with Student Involvement.
- The advisor should see that the student organization and its officers know where policies are listed, what the policies are, why they exist, and the channels to be followed for changes, revisions, or exceptions to policies.