Training for Advisors

Required Training: Advisors will need to complete mandatory training in DeHub. This is required during the re-registration period. Advisors will also be required to review and complete a knowledge check regarding Title IX and the Clery Act and how it pertains to their role with student organizations.

Lunch & Learns: A lunch and learn is a voluntary OSI professional development session held during the typical lunch break hours. Advisors can gather to learn about a specific topic while enjoying a meal. It provides a casual and convenient opportunity for learning and networking without requiring extra time outside of regular work hours. Typically lasting around 1 to 1.5 hours, these sessions feature a speaker or facilitator who presents on a chosen topic, encouraging interaction through questions, discussions, and sharing of experiences.

Please join us on 9/26/2024 for an Advisors Training Lunch.
Register on DeHub here.

DeHub Video Library: Our DeHub Video Library is tailored to student leaders but they are a helpful resource for advisors for navigating DeHub. Examples are adding an advisor, adding officers & adding or deleting members in student organizations pages. OSI will continuously create and add new videos to our DeHub Library as DeHub changes and as OSI sees fit.
You can find the DeHub Video Library here.

Advisor Orientation: This orientation will be hosted by OSI and will be targeted toward those who are new to advising student organizations. The session is optional and will be hosted once a quarter, while targeted towards those new to advising, any advisor may join.