Math Motivators
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Last year, DePaul actuarial students worked closely together with the Actuarial Foundation and volunteer actuaries to provide tutoring to students at a local high school.
Here is how the Actuarial Foundation website describes it:
The Math Motivators program pairs low-income high school students with professional actuaries and college students majoring in actuarial science, mathematics or math education. The students served do not have access to tutoring or cannot afford it, so Math Motivators provides free math tutoring in the high schools. The program's tutors are all volunteers.
An important goal of Math Motivators is to further the actuarial profession. Actuaries who participate in the program help to raise awareness of the actuarial career and represent the profession as positive role models. Math Motivators also gives actuaries the opportunity to develop relationships with actuarial students at local universities, resulting in organic networking to recruit new talent.
Today, more than 70 tutors from the University of Connecticut and 23 corporate actuaries from four insurance companies volunteer to tutor students in three different Hartford high schools. In 2017, the Math Motivators program expanded to Chicago, where students from two universities and actuaries from one insurance company tutor math at a Chicago high school. Plans are in the works for the Math Motivators program to expand to two more cities this year, with the goal of eventually becoming available nationwide.
Many thanks to:
for doing such a superb job tutoring at Noble high school during school year 2017-18.