1. Human Services + Community Concentration Info Session
Please join us for an information session for psychology majors interested in senior-year internship experiences. The session will provide an overview of the Human Services and Community Psychology concentrations, including:
• How to choose a concentration based on your interests and career goals
• Internship opportunities available through each concentration
• How to apply to each concentration
• Q&A
Event flyer: https://bit.ly/internshipinfosession
When: Monday, September 30, 3:00-4:00pm
Where: Byrne Hall, Room 403 or Zoom: https://depaul.zoom.us/j/96305061458
This session is organized by Drs. Olya Glantsman, Susan Tran, and Molly Brown. We look forward to seeing you!
Find more information about our internship concentrations:
Human Services Concentration
• Webpage: https://csh.depaul.edu/academics/psychology/undergraduate/psychology-ba/concentration-requirements/Pages/human-services.aspx
• FAQs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s_3S0uMK4YsA-saA30M9fjn_iApCnrTZzbxjpCRmLjo/edit#heading=h.6uywwgqoyd1e
• Deadline to apply: November 1st of the junior year
• Questions? Contact Dr. Molly Brown or Dr. Susan Tran
Community Psychology Concentration
• Webpage: https://csh.depaul.edu/academics/psychology/undergraduate/psychology-ba/concentration-requirements/Pages/community.aspx
• Deadline to apply: February 18th of the junior year
• Questions? Contact Dr. Olya Glantsman
2. INDUSTRIAL-ORGANIZATIONAL (I-O) Psychology Info Session
For 40 years, DePaul has been a leader in I-O in Chicago, so you have come to the right place.
The I-O area is hosting and information session with Profs Katz, Rauvola, and Stuhlmacher. These faculty will discuss:
1. Career directions in I-O
2. DePaul’s concentration and coursework
3. Advising information and class scheduling
4. Opportunities and educational options
• including grad school and the 5 year BA/MS program
5. Answers to your questions
Where: ZOOM https://depaul.zoom.us/j/97897835227
When: 4-5 pm, Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Questions? Contact Dr. Stuhlmacher (astuhlma@depaul.edu)
3. Undergraduate Research Assistantship Program (URAP)
Are you currently working with a CSH faculty member on a research project? Or are you interested in joining a research group? Talk to your research mentor about the possibility of submitting an Undergraduate Research Assistantship Program (URAP) application.
Apply for the Winter and Spring 2025 quarters; students may work up to 75 hours per quarter. Both student and faculty applications are required by the due date: October 15.
For more information click here: https://csh.depaul.edu/research/undergraduate-research/Pages/default.aspx
4. Undergraduate STEM Research Showcase
We invite you to mark your calendar and reserve the date for the 22nd Annual Undergraduate STEM Research Showcase. Join us as undergraduate students from our diverse science and health disciplines come together to present their cutting-edge research through engaging oral presentations and captivating poster displays.
When: November 1, 2024, 12:30-4:00 PM
Where: McGowan South (1st and 2nd floors)
Interested in presenting at the showcase? Psychology students working on research (supervised by faculty and/or graduate students) are invited to register to give an oral presentation (you need to have data analyzed) or present a poster (ideas/concepts of your project, without data, is acceptable). Please see the registration link and deadline below.
• Register by Oct. 18, 2024 by clicking here: https://depaul.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bdP1MRmuynuyg2W
5. Doctoral-Undergraduate Opportunities for Scholarship (DUOS) and Ziegler-Orloff Awards
Please see the attached description and application instructions for the Doctoral-Undergraduate Opportunities for Scholarship (DUOS) and Ziegler-Orloff Award program. This is a wonderful opportunity that enables DePaul undergraduate and psychology doctoral students (2nd year and beyond) to work together on research and provides funding ($750 each to the undergraduate and doctoral student). Carefully review the eligibility criteria, awardee expectations, and instructions for submission.
Applications are due by 5:00 pm on Friday, October 25th.
Awardees will be notified by October 30th, 2024. All award recipients must attend a luncheon and award ceremony, scheduled from 12-1:30pm on Friday, November 8th, at the Lincoln Park Campus and must present at Psych Night on May 19th, 2025.
Use the links below to submit the application and supporting endorsements/certifications:
1. Application: DUOS Application 2024_25
2. Undergraduate assurances and signature: Undergraduate Assurances and Signature
3. Doctoral student assurances and signature: Doctoral Student Assurances and Signature
4. Faculty sponsorship and signature: Qualtrics link will be sent directly upon completion of the DUOS Qualtrics application.
5. Program Director certification and signature: Qualtrics link will be sent directly upon completion of the DUOS Qualtrics application.
Attached is a PDF export of the Application Qualtrics survey, so that you can see the application ahead of the deadline and can put together drafts, as needed. Pay close attention to the word/character limits. Note the application requires that undergraduate transcripts be uploaded, so plan ahead!
We are excited to continue this program and anticipate being able to offer awards to up to 13 pairs of psychology students and look forward to receiving your applications. One award comes from the Ziegler-Orloff fund, which promotes women and/or women’s research in the field of psychology.
*Note: DUOS and the Ziegler Orloff award are compatible with the psychology honors program and undergraduate students applying for that program can also apply for DUOS.
Don’t hesitate to direct questions to me (apolo@depaul.edu). Thank you!
6. Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA)
The 97th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA) will take place April 10-12, 2025 in Chicago, IL at the Palmer House Hilton. Undergraduates can apply to present a poster at the conference. Applications are due by Wednesday, November 6 at 10:59 PM (CST). Notifications are sent in January. More information about undergraduate submission requirements can be found by clicking on the following link: https://midwesternpsych.org/meeting/submissions/.
• Undergraduate submission--Apply by Nov. 6 at 10:59 PM (CST)