
Upcoming Events

September 25, 2024 | 5:30-6:30 PM

Research Lab Matchmaker Event

Are you interested in joining a research lab this year? Psychology faculty & graduate students will give short presentations about their current projects to recruit new undergrad research assistants. This event will be held in-person (Byrne Hall, Room 403) and on Zoom.

Click here to access a pdf of the presentation deck.

October 30, 2024 | 5:30-6:30 PM

Graduate School Info Event

Please join us to hear from a panel of current psychology graduate students as they share tips, advice, and their experience applying to graduate school. There will be a Q&A at the end. Submit questions on this google form. This event will be held in-person (Byrne Hall, Room 403) and on Zoom.

November 8, 2024 | 11:30-12:30 AM

Study Break & Stress Relief Event

Please join us to relieve some stress and take a break from studying before finals. Board games and snacks will be provided. The event will take place in Byrne Hall, Room 618

January 22, 2025 | 5:30-6:30 PM

Homelessness Research Talk and Service Project

Please join us to hear about the research and advocacy work being conducted by members of the Homelessness Advocacy, Research, and Collaboration (HARC) psychology lab. Afterward, attendees will pack care kits, including socks, hand warmers, personal care items, and snacks, for unhoused individuals. All supplies will be provided by Psi Chi. This event will take place in Byrne Hall, Room 403 and on Zoom.

February 12, 2025 | 5:30-6:30 PM

Valentine's Day Event

Please join us to hear about the latest research in love and relationships from psychology experts. We will be making Valentine's Day cards as well. Food will be provided! The event will take place in Byrne Hall, Room 403.

March 5, 2025 | 5:30-6:30 PM

Careers in Psychology Event

Are you curious about how you can use your degree in psychology? Please join us to hear about the different career options for psychology students. Food will be provided! The event will take place in Byrne Hall, Room 403 and on Zoom.

April TBD | 11:00 AM-12:00 PM

Brunch & Vincentian Service Day with Psi Chi Informational Event

Enjoy a relaxing brunch while learning about next month's Vincentian Service Day with Psi Chi. The event will take place in Byrne Hall, Room 618.

May 3, 2025 | 8:00 AM-12:00 PM

Vincentian Service Day with Psi Chi

Each spring students, faculty, and staff volunteer on Vincentian Service Day and provide services to different community sites across Chicago. Please join the Psi Chi team! A light breakfast will be served before leaving for the site. Lunch will be served in the Quad after returning from the site. The event will take place TBD.

May 19, 2025 | 5:00-7:00 PM

Psi Chi Induction Ceremony at Psych Night

Please join us at the Annual Psych Night celebration. Students will present their research first. Then, student accomplishments will be recognized, and new members and officers will be inducted into Psi Chi.  Food will be provided! This event will take place in the Student Center, Room 120 A&B.