From: Chloe Devens
Date: August 23, 2022
Subject: Our First Event of the Year (We Need Your Input!)

Hi, everyone!

Welcome to Accessible Futures DePaul (and happy fall quarter to folks returning)! We’re a student group focused on creating community among disabled students and allies and fostering accessibility at DePaul. Our values center the safety, acceptance, and celebration of DePaul’s disabled community. I’m Chloe (she/her), and I’m one of the people you could reach out to if you ever wanted to ask questions, give suggestions, or talk about the group. (If you aren’t already connected with us on social media, there’s a spot for you to put your email in the Google forms attached, and we’ll reach out to you.)

The school year is starting soon, and we need your input to prepare for our first event. If you consider yourself a disabled self-advocate/ self-advocate with a disability, we would love for you to answer students’ questions about accessing spaces and experiences at DePaul. If you have any questions about the CSD enrollment process or self-advocacy on campus, we need to hear your questions and suggestions. When we receive your input, we plan on hosting an event where students can receive advice about self-advocacy from other self-advocates and instructions about the CSD enrollment process for those who choose to enroll.

Please fill out the forms below with your questions and suggestions for CSD and fellow students, as well as the form for student self-advocates if you’re interested! You might have both questions and answers—so fill out both, if you feel like it. Here are the forms:
This above form is for questions and suggestions addressed to a representative of DePaul's Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD).
This above form is for questions addressed to disabled student self-advocates.
This above form is for indicating that you would be interested in answering questions or participating in the event as a student self-advocate.
Feel free to share any of these with other students and student organizations that might want to get involved! Thanks for reading and I hope to see you around,
Chloe (she/her)