IME Info Session
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
The director, Zafar Iqbal, will talk about the program in detail and go through the application process and current IME students will share insight into the program from a student's perspective.
Marketing students in their sophomore or junior year interested in participating in the program are invited to attend.
Information on IME: The Integrated Marketing Education (IME), the honors sequence in Marketing, gives a select group of undergraduate students a hands-on opportunity to develop skills in marketing management while interacting with a Chicago-area business. The real-world focus of IME is an outgrowth of DePaul's strong links to the Chicago business community. The program is a one-year program and you will have a cohort or approximately 30 other peers.
RSVP on handshake and join us virtually or in-person!
For more information please reach out to Jess Sanborn at jsanbor1@depaul.edu.
Password: 070572
DePaul Center
DPC 7406
1 E. Jackson Blvd.,Chicago, IL 60604