Affirming the vision, values and mission of DePaul University expressed in the DePaul University Mission Statement and the Guiding Principles on Speech and Expression, DePaul is committed to fostering an educational community that welcomes free and open discourse.
Standing in the Catholic, Vincentian, and American university traditions, free and open discourse at DePaul has a unique character. Among other things, speech and discourse have, as their end, the pursuit of truth, the search for the common good, the broadening of perspectives, and the amelioration of injustice, as well as the deepening of mutual respect, understanding, and solidarity among all people and cultures.
Speakers provide an opportunity for students to hear and discuss opposing viewpoints on a wide range of topics. As such, DePaul encourages student organizations to plan, promote, and engage in thoughtful, respectful and challenging dialogue, including through guest speakers. Providing a forum in no way implies university approval or endorsement of the views expressed by the sponsored speaker.
To facilitate registered student organizations bringing speakers who are not members of the DePaul community to campus, DePaul has implemented the process detailed below. All student organizations seeking to invite a speaker to campus are required to use this process. This process will be annually reviewed by Student Affairs.