Guest Speakers

DePaul encourages its registered student organizations to sponsor guest speakers whose presentation will contribute to the role of the University as a forum for intellectual discussion, debate, investigation and/or artistic expression. Speakers provide an opportunity for students to hear and discuss opposing viewpoints on a wide range of issues. Providing a forum in no way implies university approval or endorsement of the views expressed by the sponsored speaker.

Procedures for Student Organization Speaker Review

Affirming the vision, values and mission of DePaul University expressed in the DePaul University Mission Statement and the Guiding Principles on Speech and Expression, DePaul is committed to fostering an educational community that welcomes free and open discourse.

Standing in the Catholic, Vincentian, and American university traditions, free and open discourse at DePaul has a unique character. Among other things, speech and discourse have, as their end, the pursuit of truth, the search for the common good, the broadening of perspectives, and the amelioration of injustice, as well as the deepening of mutual respect, understanding, and solidarity among all people and cultures.

Speakers provide an opportunity for students to hear and discuss opposing viewpoints on a wide range of topics. As such, DePaul encourages student organizations to plan, promote, and engage in thoughtful, respectful and challenging dialogue, including through guest speakers. Providing a forum in no way implies university approval or endorsement of the views expressed by the sponsored speaker.

To facilitate registered student organizations bringing speakers who are not members of the DePaul community to campus, DePaul has implemented the process detailed below. All student organizations seeking to invite a speaker to campus are required to use this process. This process will be annually reviewed by Student Affairs.

This process applies to:

Speakers from outside the DePaul Community (anyone who is not a current student, faculty, or staff member) for on-campus events

This process does not apply to:

Speakers from within the DePaul community (current students, faculty, and staff members)
Speakers at off-campus events
Faculty, academic units, or university units or groups other than registered student organizations who are bringing speakers to campus

1. Application

Any student organization seeking to invite a speaker to speak on-campus must complete an application through the DeHub Event Approval Process. The request is then sent to the Chair of the Speaker Review Board which is comprised of students, faculty and staff for review of the request.

To submit a Speaker Review request, click here.

Student organizations are encouraged to submit applications for speakers with as much lead time as possible. At a minimum, applications must be submitted at least two weeks before the initial proposed date, keeping in mind funding requests deadlines if funding is needed for the event. Applications for events less than two weeks away may be considered if feasible. The Speaker Review Committee may set forth more detailed procedures regarding the application process and timeline.

2. Student Organization Speaker Review Board Meeting

The Student Organization Speaker Review Board twice a month, typically on Fridays during the academic school year. The Board reviews and makes recommendations on speaker request applications submitted by registered student organizations. Recommendations are shared with senior university leadership as to request approval or denial. Student organization applications approved will facilitate a time, place and manner conversation with Public Safety and Student Affairs.

In order to be considered, request forms must be submitted the by the 1st or 15th of any month, at least two weeks prior to the proposed event date.

Meeting schedule coming soon!

3. Committee Approval or Denial

Student Organizations will receive approval or denial via a DeHub notification and an email from

Once the board approves your Speaker Review application, you may submit your SAFB or CAFB funding application for the event. Your funding application will be denied if you have not received approval from the Student Organization Speaker Review Board.

4. Speaker Disclaimer Statement

When a speaker is approved, it is the university's expectation that the Speaker Disclaimer statement be read to those in attendance. A copy of that statement can be found here.

Additional Considerations

If a student organization needs to change the following aspects of their application, it will need to go through the Student Organization Speaker Review Board for approval again:

The person who will be speaker
A new speaker is added to the program
The content of the program
The size of the audience
Who will be attending or who is the audience

The university's Guidelines for Speech and Expression and other guiding documents can be found here.


All communication and questions regarding the Student Organization Speaker Review process should be directed to, as is overseen by the Division of Student Affairs.