We are a chapter of 'Net Impact' and our mission is to provide DePaul University students a platform to engage with and become part of a network of leaders who believe in the power of individuals to create a positive economic and environmental, social change in their community; to educate students on sustainability; and increase the value of the education at DePaul.

These aims and purposes of Net Impact overlap with the mission of DePaul University, especially its service-oriented Vincentian, Catholic ethos. A vibrant, active DePaul Net Impact chapter provides a unique opportunity to engage graduate and undergraduate students to further examine, explore, and articulate their desire for positive social impact. .

Pablo Ramos-Torrescano Profile

Pablo Ramos-Torrescano

David Raskaj Profile

David Raskaj

McKenna Berglind Profile

McKenna Berglind

Marketing Director
Filip Bielowicz Profile

Filip Bielowicz

Sienna Kelly Profile

Sienna Kelly

Maija Renko Profile

Maija Renko

Faculty/Staff Advisor

DePaul Net Impact

Become part of our vibrant community.


E: depaulnetimpact@gmail.com

DePaul Net Impact

1 E. Jackson Blvd.
Chicago IL 60604
United States