DePaul Role Playing Games

Join our table today.


About Us

The mission of DeRPG is to create a safe, fun and engaging environment for the tabletop gaming community at DePaul. In addition, we seek to provide opportunities for personal, professional, and academic development through service events and community collaborations. We strive to foster creativity with community collaboration, meaningful experiences, and opportunities to learn about others and themselves in a safe and open space. First founded in Fall 2018, DeRPG has since grown to host over 400 members.

What are tabletop roleplaying games?

Tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs) are collaborative games between a number of players and their Dungeon Master/Game Master (either DM or GM). The DM/GM prepares a fictional world to lead the players through. Players create a character to take on the role of and pretend to be within the story. This usually happens under the rule set of a tabletop system, such as Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Shadowrun, etc with polyhedral dice as a randomizing component. As the players and DM/GM work together, they create a story. These games can be short as a one-off game, or span many sessions over months or years.

Basic free rules for some popular TTRPGs:

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition

Shadowrun 5th Edition

Dungeon World SRD

Pathfinder 2nd Edition SRD

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Executive Board

Nicky Taghert Profile

Nicky Taghert

Anna Anthropy Profile

Anna Anthropy

Faculty/Staff Advisor
Eliza Peters Profile

Eliza Peters

Vanir Luebbert Profile

Vanir Luebbert

Ryan Fina Profile

Ryan Fina










Connect with DeRPG

By joining our Discord, you can connect with our members, forming friendships and finding games. The most up to date information will always be presented in our Announcements channel.